Intimate Hygiene Tips to Keep From Controlling Bacteria

Intimate Hygiene Tips to Keep From Controlling Bacteria

intimate hygiene tips

Keeping your vagina clean during sex is among the most common female hygiene tips that there is. Especially as you go through puberty, your body undergoes many changes which make it all the more essential for you to keep yourself clean. Washing your private part with hot water prior to exercising or doing sports is the very first thing to do if engaging in such activities. It’s also important to wash your vagina before and after sex, if you’re having sexual intercourse with your partner. This way, you will be able to prevent your vagina from being infected by a variety of germs and viruses, which can be very dangerous for a woman.

Another one of intimate hygiene tips that you should consider is proper shaving of your pubic hair. The problem with pubic hair, especially when it comes to women, is that it tends to collect a lot of bacteria, making it very foul smelling. This will result not only in you having a foul smell around the genital region, but also irritating you quite a bit. When you are shaving, you have to make sure that you trim the pubic hair close to the skin so that it will not be noticeable to anybody. When you are trimming, make sure to use an electric clipper and not a regular one because they tend to leave stubble, which will irritate you even more.

Another one of the best intimate hygiene tips that you should follow is to always wash and dry your genitals regularly. The reason why this is very crucial is because you do not want any dirt or bacteria to be spread around your genital region. When you are having sex, it’s very possible that you’ll transfer this bacteria to each other. As such, it’s important that you wash your genitals regularly so that you can avoid any spreading of this infection. Some women do not wash their genitals regularly, and then they end up contracting an STD.

Another one of the best intimate hygiene tips that you should always make sure to follow is to make sure that you always wear a sanitary panty or pad. This is because you don’t want any bacteria or anything else to get on them. When you go to the bathroom, make sure that you wipe down the area thoroughly to make sure that nothing has been transferred onto the cloth that you are using. Doing this regularly will help prevent you from contracting an STD.

One of the final intimate hygiene tips that you need to remember is to invest in a routine, personal care product for your vagina. This will help you to reduce the amount of bacteria that you have on your skin. You should always try to purchase these products at a pharmacy that is not personal care related. These pharmacies are generally better for carrying personal care products.

These are some of the things that you should do when you have sex. These are simple, intimate hygiene tips that you can use to ensure that you are not spreading bacteria or anything else. You should always make sure that you are washing between the sheets properly and that you are not douching. If you follow these simple guidelines, you can enjoy having sex without worrying about being dangerous.