Cursor – an accumulation rows grouped by typical requirements sequence that is(key set account, CHOOSE outcome set) that may be navigated and updated.
Information Type – the fundamental types of information that could be saved in a line. The information kinds that exist in RDM SQL are: char, wchar, varchar, wvarchar, binary, varbinary, boolean, tinyint, smallint, integer, bigint, real, float, dual, date, time, timestamp, long varbinary, long varchar, and long wvarchar.
Database example – an database that is independent stocks exactly the same schema as another database. Utilized only in RDM.

db_VISTA – initial title from 1984 when it comes to Raima DBMS item now called RDM.
DDL – Database Definition Language.
Deadlock – a scenario by which resources (for example. hair) take place by a couple of connections which can be each required because of one other connections so they are stuck within an endless delay cycle. For instance, connection 1 features a lock on table1 and is asking for a lock on table2 that is presently held by connection 2, which can be additionally asking for a lock on table1. Development practices could be used to avoid deadlocks from occurring.
Debugger – an instrument used to check and debug pc software. Continue reading “Cursor – an accumulation rows grouped by typical requirements sequence that is(key set account, CHOOSE outcome set) that may be navigated and updated.”