16 Sexy, Sneaky Acts of Seduction. Revelations. Candid stories of females from life

16 Sexy, Sneaky Acts of Seduction. Revelations. Candid stories of females from life

I became chicken.

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I’ve a confession: inside my very very very early dating years, We preferred to function as Seduced, maybe not The Seductress. We happened to be chicken. Like a lot of women, we stressed that if we place myself available to you and got a “no thanks” in exchange, I would never ever get over the humiliation. And even though my course of minimum opposition did not get me personally the greatest intercourse, I happened to be happy at the very least in possession of my ego that it kept me.

Then, during university, we came across George,* a form of art major with rosebud lips and a slow-as-molasses sexiness, whom, despite my quiet pleas for their love, did not provide me personally the full time of time. Simply when I had been going to abandon my George dream, we went into him at a club after the Senior Streak, a absurd, drunken tradition where every senior runs around campus, sans jeans. I became nude as a baby, aside from the words THE BOMB scrawled across my butt having a Sharpie. And, for reasons I nevertheless do not completely realize, we went for it–walked right as much as him, tossed my arms around their throat and asked him to dancing. Quickly I became headed back once again to their spot, putting on their coat.

And even though i am gladly hitched now, my dalliance with George continues to be among the best pre-aisle memories–because we’d pounced plus it worked. That evening did not turn me personally into some raging Jessica Rabbit, however it did teach me personally that often the boldest, many move that is out-of-character the one which gets you results. Recently we wonder if i have lost my game. Possibly i have to dredge up a few of that old courage that is naked the person i enjoy. Continue reading “16 Sexy, Sneaky Acts of Seduction. Revelations. Candid stories of females from life”