Swiping straight into infidelity.‘Tis the summer season of love. and cheating.

Swiping straight into infidelity.‘Tis the summer season of love. and cheating.

‘Tis the growing season of love. and cheating. Dating apps, WhatsApp chats and late-night sexting have all managed to get very easy to have casual flings without getting caught or find escape tracks from committed relationships without difficulty.

Radhika and Raksh Kapoor* recently got hitched. After their vacation in Switzerland, they hurried returning to their schedes that are busy. Because of crazy work due dates, they would not feel as emotionally linked as previous.

This really is whenever Raksh, whom spends a significant great deal of the time on social media marketing, discovered Sania* among many more to speak to. The relationship progressed at breakneck speed as he began sharing intimate details of their with her day. He began spending increasingly more time with Sania and Radhika began observing their distanced self. He will never meet Sania in person, he is now worried about how to stop communicating with her while he is determined.

Christine and Yadunandan S* shared a whirlwind relationship before they got hitched to each other. Quickly, the IT that is 27-year-d professional depressed after she found that her partner had been clinically determined to have third-stage lung cancer tumors. A minute of frustration and loneliness led her up to a Facebook group where she discovered a clege senior that has a crush on the. Continue reading “Swiping straight into infidelity.‘Tis the summer season of love. and cheating.”